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What to Look For in a Hot Tub

by Feb 24, 2022

What to Look For in a Hot Tub

Buying a hot tub can be overwhelming. There are so many options out there that sometimes it can be hard to know what is actually important. Purchasing a hot tub is a big decision and can be expensive so it’s important that you find the hot tub that is perfect for you.

Hot Tub Types

Hot tubs come in many different forms. Some of the most popular are inflatable hot tubs, portable hot tubs, inground hot tubs and above-ground hot tubs. While each type of hot tub has its own benefits, the best hot tubs are above-ground.

Above-ground hot tubs have everything they need to run properly within their own cabinet and once they’re wired in, you shouldn’t have to worry about electrical connections.

Inground, inflatable and portable hot tubs also often lack insolation which does not make them energy efficient. If you’re looking for a seamless landscaping look in your backyard, consider dropping your hot tub into your deck.

4 person hot tub
arctic spas hot tub in pool deck

Hot Tub Sizes

The perfect size for your hot tub depends on how you’re going to use it. Is it just going to be you always? A small 4’ x 7’ hot tub could be perfect for you.

Want to have space for your family to relax? An 8’ x 8’ hot tub could be the way to go. Want to be able to have all of your friends over for a hot tub party? The Arctic Spas® Summit XL is the perfect party spa.

Another thing to consider is a hot tub’s shape. Odd shapes such as circles and ovals use up valuable square footage in your backyard by causing dead space in the corners. Square and rectangular hot tubs use space the most efficiently.


The materials used to build your hot tub will be a leading factor in how long your hot tub will last. Be aware of hot tubs cabinets that are completely full of foam. Not only does it block access to all of the plumbing, but it can also sometimes be weight-bearing and does not hold up well if the foam gets wet.

Another thing to be wary of is steel frames. Steel is a very strong material, but when it comes into contact with water (which can be present in air moisture in the cabinet) it will rust which makes the steel much less sturdy.

Instead, look for a self-supporting shell, such as the shell reinforced with fiberglass made by Arctic Spas®. The fiberglass makes the shell so strong that it comes with a lifetime warranty! That’s the kind of confidence you want to have in your spa’s structure.

Optional Features

Arctic Spas® allows you to customize your hot tub, which means you get the spa that is perfect for you. But there are so many options, how are you supposed to know which ones are right for you?

One feature to always look for is salt water systems. Salt water hot tubs are great because they have much less chlorine than regular hot tubs which make them much more comfortable to sit in and because they are so easy to take care of! Specifically, a salt water system called Spa Boy® helps monitor and control your sanitizer levels. This takes out so much of the hassle of owning a hot tub.

Other features you can look for are fun extras such as led lights, sound systems, foggers and much more. Most of these features come down to personal preference. If you are planning on using your hot tub mostly in the morning, you probably don’t need a fancy lighting system. If you’re planning on having lots of spa parties with all your friends, you might want to get a sound system right in your hot tub that you can connect to with Bluetooth.

How do I know which is the right hot tub for me?

There are many questions to ask before buying a hot tub. Our Arctic Spas® hot tub specialists are always available to answer your questions and provide guidance on how to choose the right hot tub. Make an appointment for a personal or virtual consultation or download our hot tub buyer guide here.

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