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Autumn Swim Spa Water Care

by Nov 11, 2021

Once the weather begins to get colder, we start to spend more time indoors. A great way to enjoy the outdoors on a cool Autumn day is jumping in your Arctic Spas® Swim Spa or All Weather Pool.

Once the weather begins to get colder, we start to spend more time indoors. A great way to enjoy the outdoors on a cool Autumn day is jumping in your Arctic Spas® Swim Spa or All Weather Pool.

Did you know that Swim Spas & All Weather Pools can be heated to hot tub temperatures? Hot water therapy is the ultimate way to destress while enjoying the outdoors, even in the colder seasons. An All Weather Pool (also known as Swim Spa) is the ideal solution if you like getting in your exercise as well as your restoration!

Our All Weather Pools are made to withstand even the coldest of temperatures but, just like spring cleaning, you have to make sure to upkeep your All Weather Pool / Swim Spa after a busy summer. This will ensure it is ready for you to use as the season changes! Our Arctic Spas® All Weather Pool experts will share their tips for the best autumn swim spa maintenance in this article. maintenance:

With our innovative Spa Boy® technology, you can reduce manual testing of your spa water. Instead, this automated system will help you maintain the ideal spa water conditions. In addition, with Spa Boy®, we recommend giving your tub a full clean just once a year! So if you are already in the cleaning groove and getting ready for winter, this could be the perfect time to drain and clean your tub! Note, If you don’t have Spa Boy®, we recommend thoroughly cleaning your tub at least two times a year.

Our experts recommend you check your spa’s water chemistry manually once per week to compare to Spa Boy® readings. This way you will stay on top of your maintenance.

Arctic Spas Spa Boy

To prepare for the upcoming winter season, we compiled a list of steps you need to complete your annual Spa Boy® hot tub maintenance:


The first step is to cap off your Spa Boy® probe. This will look like a PVC cap that you can screw on and off. Make sure you cap it back on after the maintenance!


Now you can put in your 8oz of Fresh Start. Fresh Start is essential as it cleans, degreases, and removes any organic buildup in your hot tubs plumbing system.


Turn your pumps on for two hours to allow for the Fresh Start to work its magic.


Next, you can turn the breaker off that connects the power to your hot tub. Now, you can fully drain your tub.


Once the tub is fully drained, we recommend giving the inside a good scrub with water and vinegar! This will get rid of any leftover debris from draining your tub.


The next step is to take out all the filters and begin to fill the tub. This is best done by putting the hose where the filters go.


After the tub is filled, you can turn on the breaker and set the water temperature to 90ºF.


Once the tub gets to 90ºF, you need to add the designated amount of salt for your tub size. This can be found by looking at your owner’s manual or contacting one of our representatives! To effectively add the salt to your water, you need to get some warm water from your tub separately and mix it with the salt. Once the salt is dissolved in your small amount of water, you can add it to your tub.


Finally, you can add two caps of saltwater balance and remember to uncap your probe!

Again, if you have Spa Boy®, you’ll only have to repeat this process annually. Of course, this maintenance routine can be done any season, but if you’re already on a cleaning spree, autumn might be the perfect time of year to prep your tub for the winter!

An All Weather Pool Swim Spa will provide all the same fun as an in-ground pool, but also give you the option to have a relaxing soak with your family as well. The best of both worlds is available to you easier than ever!

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