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4 Steps to Beating the Summer Heat… With Your Spa!

by Aug 8, 2024

Who would have thought your hot tub could help you beat the summer heat? Well, with four simple steps, it can!

As summer temperatures soar, your hot tub may be one of the last places you plan on spending your time. But, did you know that you can actually cool down your hot tub, transforming it from a warming relaxation environment into a refreshing and rejuvenating reprieve from the heat?

Let’s explore how to cool down your hot tub in four simple steps, offering year-round enjoyment to you and your loved ones!


1. Partially Drain Your Hot Tub

To begin the process, turn off all pumps and jets. Then, drain approximately six to eight inches of water from your hot tub.


2. Refill Your Hot Tub

Although your hot tub (spa) has an expansive temperature range of 59° to 104° Fahrenheit, your spa water won’t be able to be cooled past the ambient temperature of the environment. Basically, the water in your hot tub can’t get colder than the temperature outside.

To boost your spa’s cooling abilities, refill it with six to eight inches of cold, clean water.


3. Adjust Your Spa’s Temperature Manually

After you’ve refilled your spa, you can now restart the pumps and jets while adjusting the topside temperature control manually.

Remember, your ideal hot tub temperature will vary as the temperature outside changes. Be sure to account for one degree of warming per hour if you plan to adjust your water temperature from day to night.


4. Consider Investing in Additional Cooling Accessories

Reach a new level of cool with Luberick doors for your hot tub! These unique doors feature slats and screens, allowing ambient heat from your hot tub’s internal mechanisms to escape while still preventing bugs and critters from entering your hot tub’s cabinet.

Your hot tub isn’t just reserved for cooler months of the year. With a few quick and easy steps, you can lounge in comfort, no matter the season! Happy hot tubbing!

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